Writer in New Haven, Connecticut
Writer in New Haven, Connecticut
Robert Torres aka Bobby T is the author of "Synchronicity and the Secret of the ONE," a published singer-songwriter of "Then There Was Rock" and artist. Torres has done work for many well-known national US companies as a freelance. He has also worked as a magazine editor, technical, music and content writer, consultant, web designer, promotions, computer multimedia technical production and the list goes on. Currently Torres writes as a freelance contributor for many online sites and offline magazines: Like: New Dawn, The Epoch Times, Mindscape, Phenomena magazines, Truth Theory, The Mind Unleashed, Wake Up World, Enlightened Consciousness, Learning Mind, Disinformation, Waking Times, Metta-Physics and many others.
Are you interested in a freelancer, ghostwriter, collaborator or consultant? Are you a reader, writer, blogger or book reviewer? Want to review my book for press or on your blog? Everyone is welcome to contact me with your ideas at: and don’t forget to friend me on my FaceBook. I LOVE hearing your thoughts. I write within the genres: Paranormal, psi abilities, science, politics, religion, philosophy, spirituality, metaphysics, UFOs, government conspiracy, etc...
"Sin Thesis,” Torres' first book is a non-fiction book based on the many paranormal events that he began experiencing after he claimed to have had strange encounters with unknown entities. It was later after a subsequent encounter with a large entity of light that he says he first started to realize that he was seeing the world differently than most others. It was these first experiences that he says “opened his mind.” But it was all of the other extraordinary events that followed which led him to write this book. These events he describes as “life changing” and he spent seven years researching to find explanations on causes. The book is heavy science, religion, spirituality, metaphysics, philosophy, the paranormal and many other belief systems are explored as he attempts to explain the supernatural. He includes many examples and tries to incorporate many possible answers as to why these supernatural events occur. Along the way his life was made more difficult by what he calls “heavy government conspiracy” that seems to accompany many of those involved in researching such phenomena. What are they trying to hide? He is forced to confront his own limitations as he questions reality itself and what may be the biggest secret of all...